Welcome to KAS!

鈥淐haracter, Curriculum, Community, Citizenship鈥

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the website of 好色tv. For over 60 years 好色tv has provided a high-quality international education in a community-based environment.

With 200 students from 23 different nationalities, 好色tv is first and foremost a community school, and this is reflected in our school mission. Learning is focused on an inquiry based curriculum which caters to all of the needs of our learners, our sense of community and the values which we believe help us to shape our students into global citizens and the concept of citizenship itself and the skills necessary in becoming outstanding members of society.

Here at KAS we place our students鈥 learning and welfare above all else and it is this student-centered focus that drives our academic programs and allows us to develop quality educational courses that provide meaningful educational and life experiences for all of our students. By treating our students as individuals we are able to identify strengths and weaknesses and design programs that help them reach both their goals and their potential, while also preparing them for life after KAS. As an AP School our graduates successfully matriculate in colleges and universities in USA, Canada and Europe.

I invite you to explore our website and find out more about the KAS school community. Please also contact us to organize a school visit on +249-15-577-0105.

Bridget Davies,